Monday, June 22, 2009

Morning in the Harbor

(April 4th) I'm here in Baltimore for a few days. After feasting with some friends on crabs last night, I woke up early and took a short walk around near our hotel. The Baltimore harbor is a great place to visit, to walk, and to shoot some photos. I am drawn to the ships, especially the historical ones. I tried for a little bit of synecdoche...

In the early morning light, everything just lit up. Bricks in particular took on a deep rich glow. With the sky and water to contrast, it made for some nice combinations.

I was in a bit of an abstract mood, so played around with some different perspectives. Something that already is devoid of concrete form like this sculpture was a natural subject.

I walked around a ways to see what else was around. After about a half a mile I reached Federal Hill overlooking the harbor. I tinkered around taking some panoramic shots. I'm not pleased with how the stitching went, so I'll have to work on that technique.

On my way back through the harbor, I took a few more traditional shots, like of this ship. I am rarely inclined to take pictures of people, but for some reason I saw an intriguing scene that drew my eye and took a few pictures. The person involved took great exception to this, so it'll be a while before I do that again...

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