Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hunt for the Endangered

(March 30th) I was having great success in Florida, so I decided to hunt for one particular endangered species. I was looking for the Gopher Tortoise and the place I was recommended was Barefoot Beach. So after a short drive, I began to look for the tortiose. I walked down a trail and came across a few osprey nests being tended by the parents.

Further down the trail there were some reptiles, but not the tortoises. Instead there were Brown Anoles everywhere. This is an introduced species (originally from Cuba) that is displacing the native Carolina Anole in much of Florida.

There were also a few morning glories in bloom along the trail. Not the best shot, but I haven't shown a flower picture in a while.

Reached the end of the trail, headed back, and still no tortoise. Finally as I drove out of the site, I saw one along the side of the road. Trying not to be too much of an inconvenience for other drivers, I pulled over and got set up. These tortoises are quite large - weighing as much as a large dog. When you photograph them, you also realize that they aren't that slow. Also the individual I had remained in the vegetation until he turned his back on me to enter his burrow (they dig out large burrows which other animals often use). I am definitely coming back another time to better capture this fascinating endangered reptile.


Stacy said...

That's so cute, you can see the tortoise chewing on the grass!

Eric Yu said...

Hey thanks for the comment! I've taken a good number of photos in the city but I'm learning its tough because there's so much going on its hard to have a simple and clean subject. I really enjoy your photos of the wildlife. The colors on some of your pictures are so vibrant. The pictures of the owls are my favorite!

anh said...

I am glad you found the tortoise!