Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Had to Go Back

(March 28th) Little Estero Lagoon was so good to me, I had to go back. This time I spent a bit more time at the beach area. One of the birds I was dying to photograph was the Snowy Plover. While I didn't find any nesting as I hoped, I finally did find a lone individual who let me capture a few frames before people walking by scared him off.

Everywhere I seem to go there are Willet. These birds are stately, but not the most colorful. This individual was starting to develop some of the breeding season plumage and striking poses. What could I do except press the shutter?

Speaking of common birds, perhaps none is more ubiquitous than the Great Blue Heron. So with a bird like this, the photo has to be different in some manner. Well gorgeous breeding plumage and a humorous pose like this qualifies in my book.

I drew quite a few stares as I lied in the sand. But getting low and creeping up allowed me to get close to a large group of terns. Terns are one of those birds that are always putting on antics for you. I did get some great shot of this, but I also got some nice flight shots as individuals joined the group.

Some birds I can't resist. Oystercatchers are one of them. I don't know what it is that I love, maybe their cool beaks. Regardless, when some American Oystercatchers came close to the terns, they had my attention.

1 comment:

anh said...

Wow, Bob! These pictures are really great! You're very talented. I can't wait to see you China pictures!