Thursday, November 5, 2009

Death of a Workflow

There's been no posts on here in nearly two months. I thought perhaps I should offer an explanation. I was processing my photos from an exciting trip to Jasper National Park in Canada. For once I was actually satisfied with a lot of the subjects. All sounds great, right? After sorting, I was in the development stage and bam! I had just changed my monitor setup and calibrated like I always do, but the color of my pictures was off and noticeably off too. Recalibration didn't help either. As it turns out, some of the newer monitors are not compatible with my calibration hardware. No need to bore you with details, but color is the soul of the picture and if it's wrong it is impossible for me to process images. Well I have a new computer just assembled yesterday and a new monitor came today, so hopefully I can start back into things soon.