Thursday, January 29, 2009

Savannah National Wildlife Refuge

(November 26th) I got up early today with that thrill of going to an unexplored new place - Savannah NWR in this case. It's under an hour from my parents' place, but since Pinkney NWR is 15 minutes, I tend to go there. Savannah NWR was locked when I got there (turned out the gate was having problems), but I parked outside and walked in. The day was a sparrow bonanza. The most abundant sparrows were these Savannah Sparrows, and they were everywhere near the entrance.

This Song Sparrow was another of the sparrows I was able to photograph. I literally had hundreds of photographs of "small brown birds" to sort through and identify when I got back :)

The refuge has some extensive freshwater ponds which historically were used to farm rice. Now they attract a variety of waders, ducks, and other waterfowl. This Little Blue Heron was one of the more abundant waders. Unfortunately, I could only spend the morning at Savannah NWR, but I'm sure I'll be back.

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