Sunday, July 12, 2009

Flash Refinement

(May 19th) After yesterday, I knew I needed to improve my flash usage. Today was completely overcast, which means definitely need some flash for the warblers. I probably looked awfully strange when I spent the first thirty minutes in the parking lot shooting pictures of a beaver Beanie Baby I put in a tree. But those thirty minutes were invaluable. I sorted out just exactly how I wanted to use the flash. The warblers were pretty good today. I finally found a Northern Parula who wasn't at the very tops of the trees.

A Chestnut-sided Warbler came in close for me to take a few shots. Maybe he wanted to see if I could use my flash properly :P

1 comment:

Stacy said...

What's the beaver's name again? Lumberjack? =D =D =D

I'm not around, so you can't get exasperated at me for not calling her Bella!