Thursday, July 9, 2009

Camera Doesn't Do It Justice

(May 8th) Often when you go out photographing, you see exciting things, but fail to capture it. Today was one of those days. I spent the morning in Dolph Park and the highlight was when a flock of Cedar Waxwings came by. The landed in an apple tree quite close to me. As I watched, I saw them munch on all the petals of the apple blossoms. It was quite a sight. Of course, there were branches in the way the whole time, an overcast sky, a terrible upward angle, etc. I really wanted to be able to move to get a nice picture, but I knew if I moved the flock would fly away. So I just watched them and hoped they might move to where I could get a nice shot. It never happened though. Eventually a bird watcher came and walked up to me and asked what I was looking at. Of course the waxwings flew away as she came up, and when I told her didn't seem that interested. Some birders only want to look at the uncommon birds, I don't know why... Anyway no good shot, but I enjoyed the time and hopefully the waxwings will be better to me next time.

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