Saturday, April 3, 2010

Behavior Isn't Just a Bird Thing

(January 28th) After a couple of hours on the cliffs, I checked out other spots of the La Jolla shore. Most of it was pretty dead though, but I found some rather unexpected subjects. I took a change of pace for an hour or so and for the first time photographed some surfing. According to the surfers I had missed the best waves, but I still had fun.

Near where I was seated there were some tide pools coated with seaweed. They turned out to be a favorite drinking spot for a few gulls. I had brought just the 70-200mm lens to shoot the surfers, but luckily the gulls came very close. I loved the color of the green seaweed. The plumage on this Ring-billed Gull was great too. Combined with the drinking, it made for some great shots.

Some Western Gulls joined the fray. The immature gulls had long left the nest and been raised, but they still are a bit lazy. They haven't given up the notion that adult birds might feed them. This one kept pestering this adult until finally it ran away further down the rocks.

After the gull diversion, it was back to the surfers. The waves were getting further out and a little smaller but I shot a few more pictures before calling it a day. Just like with wildlife, the more you watch them, the more you can predict what the surfers will do. They are a lot easier to pan with though.

Just as I was getting ready to leave, a Heerman's Gull came to the pools to drink as well. The Heerman's waited for the Ring-billed to finish its business and then helped itself when all was clear. Such a striking gull - the green of the seaweed complemented its beak and plumage nicely. Gulls have no problem drinking the salt water that we cannot.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I love the way you captured the water spray in the surfer shots!