Saturday, September 5, 2009

Pandora's Box

(June 27th) Pandora's Box is a great Greco-Roman myth. In the story, Pandora opens up this forbidden box unleasing all the evil things into the world. But the best part is that after all of that, there is one thing remaing in the box - hope. Today was one of those days where the photography just didn't work. I saw some great things - a really cool woodchuck who has become so old his hair has turned mostly gray (I've watched this woodchuck for a couple of years now) - also saw a female snapping turtle lay her eggs right in the middle of the trail and cover them up (I hope they make it). But the shots didn't come out as I intended. However hope remained. I did manage to get a good shot of one of those common but shy birds that has been stymieing me for some time. It's not perfect but a lot better than the other shots I have of Blue Jays so far. Next Blue Jay I can be pickier.

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