Today was the day that we hit the wildlife jackpot - especially in the morning. For once, we were up and moving long before the sun was up. We hit the road while the wildlife was still kicking. We first encountered a mule deer in gourgeous light (if only the shots showed it better :) ).
Right next to the mule deer were a pair of yellow-bellied marmots, one of whom seemed a little tired in the early morning hours.
After the excitement with the mule deer and marmots, we ran into two very sedate elk who were sleeping their morning away. Both of them gave us all the shots we could ask for.
Towards the end of the morning, we left the wildlife behind and sought out one of the major geological attraction of Yellowstone - the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone (not to be confused with the one carved by the Colorado River). It is quite impressive, with a waterfall leading to a large canyon.
Late in the afternoon, we took a stop in Canyon Village to get some food and gasoline. Just a few hundred yards away were a few large bison.